Create Safe, Drinkable Water

In addition to creating safe water – one CPU can provide for an entire village! – people are also told about Jesus. Many people in remote areas are being reached by having their water needs met – both physically and spiritually. They are introduced to safe water and to the Living Water in Jesus Christ.

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Everybody became excited to see that they can now access the chlorine in a very unique way. Typhoid is the major waterborne disease among them. SWIM is the most important and touching ministry that is for both spiritual and physical affairs of the saints today and the coming generation!

- Morrice Okiring (Kenya)

Countries Impacted

CPU Units Distributed

Creating safe water while sharing the love of Jesus!

Safe, clean water is a critical need for over one billion people worldwide. And many of these people do not know about the Living Water in Jesus Christ.

Drilling wells in many countries is not a good option, because these wells may still contain contaminated water. Plus, political, monetary, and location problems are sometimes insurmountable obstacles to safe water for people in these remote regions.

SWIM produces and distributes a simple chlorine producing unit (CPU) which creates chlorine from salt and water. One CPU can disinfect the water for an entire village!

In addition to creating safe water, people are told about the Living Water in Jesus Christ. God is blessing SWIM to help many people in remote areas have their water needs met – both physically and spiritually.


The mission of Safe Water International Ministries (SWIM) is to love humankind by encouraging participation as ambassadors of Jesus Christ, providing for their physical needs, focusing on safe drinking water, and sharing the Living Water of Jesus Christ worldwide.


Sharing Christ’s love through water and His word.

Providing safe drinking water in Malawi

Why Your Support is Making a Huge Difference

Many times, SWIM team members are not allowed to enter a village only to share the Good News. But with a way to help people get rid of waterborne diseases, they are welcomed into those villages. God is working mightily through these incredible SWIM teams!

TEN DROPS is all it takes to treat one liter of unsafe water! People only need a small amount of chlorine (usually given to them in small water bottles) which keeps for a couple of weeks at a time. A one-pint bottle of chlorine can treat about 950 gallons of water!

This is why your support is so important and making such a difference!

Impacting the World













PO BOX 227
New Sharon, IA 50207

If you are interested in becoming a part of SWIM, please contact us at 616-540-7030. Follow us on Facebook for the latest news.