Your Support is Making a Difference!

You have helped us bring joy and love to many people, who for the most part, have been forgotten by the rest of the world…but not by God…and not by us.

Many people in remote areas being reached are having their water needs met – both physically and spiritually. They are being introduced to safe water and to the Living Water in Jesus Christ.

Make a Donation Today!

Your financial support of this ministry is very much needed and appreciated!

When we travel to the villages to share about Jesus and give them a chlorine producing unit (CPU) for their use so they can have clean water, we do not charge them for anything. We cover all of the travel expenses and the costs of the CPUs.

A complete water system consists of a CPU costing $100, along with a battery and solar panel together costing $250, for a total of $350.

When you support SWIM with your financial gifts and prayers, you support an incredible life change for many people. One CPU can provide for an entire village!


$50: Covers Transportation Costs of 25 CPU Kits Overseas


Covers cost of 1 CPU Kit

$350: Covers cost of 1 CPU Kit, Solar Panel, Battery, and Charger Controller

"Support a Village"

$600: Kit, Delivery, Training and System Activation

Giving Online

Select the appropriate button above for your giving amount.

The online giving form will pop up for you to complete your transaction via credit card. If you have any questions or have issues with the form, please get in touch with us at

Giving By Check

Thank you for being such a good friend to SWIM! Your support allows us to reach even more people who desperately need to hear the Good News of Jesus and be provided with a CPU for their village.

If you choose to support us by sending a check, please mail it to:
PO Box 227
New Sharon, IA  50207

How Donations Are Used
  • To pay for materials used to build CPUs
  • To buy solar panels, batteries, and charge controllers
  • Travel to new communities
  • Return visits to currently active locations
  • Purchase and delivery of Bibles in local languages
  • Technical training programs
  • Training the trainer programs (Discipleship)
  • Purchase and distribution of chlorine bottles
  • Local government approvals
  • Purchase and distribution of microscopes to prove efficacy
  • Stipends to regional leaders for travel and expenses

Make a Donation Today!

You can become a “Friend of SWIM” with consistent, monthly support that allows us to continue with sustainable and growing outreach. Alternatively, your one-time gift will make a big difference to a community this year. Here are some great options! When you support SWIM with your financial gifts, you support an incredible life change for many people.

Donate to SWIM

PO BOX 227
New Sharon, IA 50207

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